SBI MF Balanced Advantage Fund Oct 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of ICICI Pru Retrmnt Hybrid Cons Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 16.2193
24-02-2025 16.2536
21-02-2025 16.316
20-02-2025 16.357
18-02-2025 16.2783
17-02-2025 16.2802
14-02-2025 16.2803
13-02-2025 16.3499
12-02-2025 16.33
11-02-2025 16.3184
10-02-2025 16.3957
07-02-2025 16.4825
06-02-2025 16.4323
05-02-2025 16.4647
04-02-2025 16.4333
03-02-2025 16.365
31-01-2025 16.415
30-01-2025 16.3564
29-01-2025 16.3553
28-01-2025 16.2675
27-01-2025 16.2727
24-01-2025 16.3483
23-01-2025 16.3799
22-01-2025 16.2827
21-01-2025 16.268
20-01-2025 16.3318
17-01-2025 16.3044
16-01-2025 16.3231
15-01-2025 16.2611
14-01-2025 16.2461
13-01-2025 16.2039
10-01-2025 16.3662
09-01-2025 16.39
08-01-2025 16.4321
07-01-2025 16.488
06-01-2025 16.4513
03-01-2025 16.5489
02-01-2025 16.5834
01-01-2025 16.5247
31-12-2024 16.4845
30-12-2024 16.4978
27-12-2024 16.5114
26-12-2024 16.5029
24-12-2024 16.4883
23-12-2024 16.4891
20-12-2024 16.4504
19-12-2024 16.5521
18-12-2024 16.6006
17-12-2024 16.5883
16-12-2024 16.6157
13-12-2024 16.6493
12-12-2024 16.635
11-12-2024 16.6625
10-12-2024 16.6483
09-12-2024 16.6632
06-12-2024 16.6364
05-12-2024 16.6382
04-12-2024 16.598
03-12-2024 16.5886
02-12-2024 16.5513
29-11-2024 16.4734
28-11-2024 16.4155
27-11-2024 16.4484
26-11-2024 16.4378
25-11-2024 16.4623
22-11-2024 16.4434
21-11-2024 16.3581
19-11-2024 16.3689
18-11-2024 16.3364
14-11-2024 16.2866
13-11-2024 16.2842
12-11-2024 16.3287
11-11-2024 16.3837
08-11-2024 16.402
07-11-2024 16.3981
06-11-2024 16.4851
05-11-2024 16.4067
04-11-2024 16.3472
31-10-2024 16.3544
30-10-2024 16.377
29-10-2024 16.375
28-10-2024 16.3756
25-10-2024 16.3625
24-10-2024 16.4443
23-10-2024 16.4223
22-10-2024 16.4233
21-10-2024 16.5185
18-10-2024 16.5582
17-10-2024 16.5272
16-10-2024 16.5783
15-10-2024 16.5867
14-10-2024 16.5849
11-10-2024 16.5583
10-10-2024 16.5317
09-10-2024 16.5386
08-10-2024 16.5019
07-10-2024 16.4487
04-10-2024 16.5064
03-10-2024 16.5569
01-10-2024 16.6347
30-09-2024 16.6114
27-09-2024 16.6592
26-09-2024 16.6504
25-09-2024 16.5983
24-09-2024 16.5844
23-09-2024 16.5855
20-09-2024 16.5388
19-09-2024 16.4718
17-09-2024 16.4976
16-09-2024 16.4968
13-09-2024 16.4871
12-09-2024 16.4729
11-09-2024 16.3954
10-09-2024 16.4206
09-09-2024 16.3897
06-09-2024 16.3962
05-09-2024 16.4339
04-09-2024 16.4307
03-09-2024 16.4374
02-09-2024 16.4377
30-08-2024 16.4295
29-08-2024 16.3822
28-08-2024 16.3712
27-08-2024 16.3596
26-08-2024 16.3613
23-08-2024 16.312
22-08-2024 16.2854
21-08-2024 16.2578
20-08-2024 16.2433
19-08-2024 16.2266
16-08-2024 16.2144
14-08-2024 16.1441
13-08-2024 16.1542
12-08-2024 16.1845
09-08-2024 16.1728
08-08-2024 16.1437
07-08-2024 16.1767
06-08-2024 16.1254
05-08-2024 16.1473
02-08-2024 16.2607
01-08-2024 16.3267
31-07-2024 16.3359
30-07-2024 16.299
29-07-2024 16.283
26-07-2024 16.2626
25-07-2024 16.16
24-07-2024 16.1452
23-07-2024 16.1129
22-07-2024 16.1324
19-07-2024 16.0903
18-07-2024 16.2013
16-07-2024 16.2115
15-07-2024 16.2053
12-07-2024 16.1723
11-07-2024 16.1753
10-07-2024 16.1621
09-07-2024 16.1739
08-07-2024 16.1376
05-07-2024 16.141
04-07-2024 16.1277
03-07-2024 16.1306
02-07-2024 16.1137
01-07-2024 16.1297
28-06-2024 16.0771
27-06-2024 16.0847
26-06-2024 16.0295
25-06-2024 15.9946
24-06-2024 15.9999
21-06-2024 15.9704
20-06-2024 15.9836
19-06-2024 15.9767
18-06-2024 16.0383
14-06-2024 16.0384
13-06-2024 16.0126
12-06-2024 15.9746
11-06-2024 15.9369
10-06-2024 15.9084
07-06-2024 15.8684
06-06-2024 15.7682
05-06-2024 15.7078
04-06-2024 15.5747
03-06-2024 15.8919
31-05-2024 15.7479
30-05-2024 15.732
29-05-2024 15.7879
28-05-2024 15.8022
27-05-2024 15.8285
24-05-2024 15.8206
22-05-2024 15.7745
21-05-2024 15.7588
17-05-2024 15.7084
16-05-2024 15.6772
15-05-2024 15.6333
14-05-2024 15.6201
13-05-2024 15.5754
10-05-2024 15.5655
09-05-2024 15.5211
08-05-2024 15.5954
07-05-2024 15.5788
06-05-2024 15.643
03-05-2024 15.6478
02-05-2024 15.6903
30-04-2024 15.6766
29-04-2024 15.6792
26-04-2024 15.6511
25-04-2024 15.6419
24-04-2024 15.6192
23-04-2024 15.5767
22-04-2024 15.5296
19-04-2024 15.4756
18-04-2024 15.4748
16-04-2024 15.478
15-04-2024 15.4987
12-04-2024 15.521
10-04-2024 15.5596
08-04-2024 15.5684
05-04-2024 15.5372
04-04-2024 15.5512
03-04-2024 15.563
02-04-2024 15.5466
31-03-2024 15.4637
28-03-2024 15.4602
27-03-2024 15.423
26-03-2024 15.4178

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